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  • Writer's pictureEnergyPro

Case Study: Offtaker Oversight

€1.5m additional revenue



On one of our managed assets, our analysis identified that significant additional revenue was due from the electricity offtaker based on a complex clause with the terms of the PPA. This revenue had not been included in pre-prepared self-billing statements which the offtaker produced, despite it being due to the owner under the terms of the PPA.



  1. We identified this to the owner, and then prepared relevant supporting information for the owner to approach the offtaker.

  2. The offtaker, although initially rejecting the claim, ultimately agreed with our assessment.

  3. The offtaker ultimately provided the additional market upside revenue to the asset owner



The asset owner increased their revenue by over €1.5m for the financial year through our PPA expertise and correctly challenging the PPA offtaker


“We work closely with the project owners, offtakers, and our in-house technical department to establish and maintain compliance requirements, as well as ensuring that the project’s NAV is maximised.”

Ann Marie Love
Finance Manager


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